Podcast Leading A Nation-Wide Strategic Planning Process Leading a large organization is a huge task and can be very daunting for most CEOs, particularly one…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Take A Hike Foundation: Empowering Vulnerable Youth With Gordon Matchett All youth deserve an opportunity to improve their lives and explore their potential. In this episode, Douglas Nelson…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Building a Unified Vision Post-Merger, with Andrea Seale Bringing cultures together is one of the challenges a newly appointed leader experiences. Andrea Seale, the new CEO…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast The Culture Of Relationship Building With Mike Meldrum Being the new guy has always been difficult, whether in your social circle, at school, or at work.…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Choosing Your Board With Caroline Riseboro A successful company is more than simply having a great CEO. A CEO needs to be backed up…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast CHEO Foundation: How Transparent Leadership and “The Trailing Edge” Contribute to Success With Kevin Keohane Kevin Keohane, the CEO of Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation, talks about CHEO Foundation’s mandate and how they…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Keeping Your Focus On The Mission With Jim Hickman How do you tackle challenges head on when you have very big shoes to fill? In this episode,…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Paul Brandt: #NotInMyCity At Victoria’s National Philanthropy Day Human trafficking is a crime that is quite overlooked sometimes as people do not think it is still…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Building Credibility Through Campaigns & Board Engagement with Judy Savage Many organizations are confounded with the problem of having their boards support them. Judy Savage, the CEO of…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023
Podcast Strengthening The Arts Community For A Cause with Ian Rye Entering an organization where you don’t have a solid background on one of its core businesses can be…discoveryadminJuly 8, 2023